Selected Images

Dr. Carla Hayden, 14th Librarian of Congress

New Concord, Ohio, Girl Scout Troups 187 and 506 Honored with 2005 Take Pride in America Award, 09/29/2005

Betty Bloomer (Ford) in Grand Rapids, MI
![Black and white photograph of two WAVES machine gunnery instructors wearing fatigue jumpsuits and carrying lengths of machine gun ammunition over their shoulders.]](images/Selected_Images/waves-th.jpg)
First WAVES Machine Gun Instructorse
![Black and white photograph of two women electrical welders seated on benches at the Hog Island Shipyard, 1918 ]](images/Selected_Images/hog-island-welders-th.jpg)
Women Electric Welders at Hog Island Shipyard, 1918

Woman suffrage in Washington, 1916–1918
![Black and white photograph of Amelia Earhart, holding a large bouquet of flowers, standing with Mayor Jimmy Walker of New York City.]](images/Selected_Images/gallery-full-earhart.jpg)
Amelia Earhart standing with Mayor Walker of New York City and crowd of well wishers, New York, NY.
![Black and white photograph of pilot Jacqueline Cochran in a flight suit with arms akimbo, standing in front of a U.S. Air Force jet.]](images/Selected_Images/gallery-full-cochran.jpg)
Jacqueline Cochran
![African American aircraft assembler in blue coveralls and red bandana working on a Vengence dive bomber at the Vultee-Nashville plant, 1943.]](images/Selected_Images/gallery-full-vengeance-worker.jpg)
Operating a hand drill at Vultee-Nashville, woman is working on a “Vengeance” dive bomber, Tennessee
![Pennsylvania suffragists protesting in front of the White House, 1917. Their banner reads “Mr. President how long must women wait for liberty?”]](images/Selected_Images/gallery-full-picket-line.jpg)
Penn[sylvania] on the picket line-- 1917
Library of Congress
![Black and white portrait of abolitionist and Underground Railroad operative Sojourner Truth, standing, wearing spectacles, shawl, and peaked cap, right hand resting on a cane, 1864 ]](images/Selected_Images/gallery-full-sjourner-truth.jpg)
Sojourner Truth, three-quarter length portrait, standing, wearing spectacles, shawl, and peaked cap, right hand resting on cane
![Black and white photograph of Florence Thompson, a destitute pea picker, with three of her children, 1936. This image is commonly known as “Migrant Mother.”]](images/Selected_Images/gallery-full-migrant-mother.jpg)
Destitute pea pickers in California. Mother of seven children. Age thirty-two. Nipomo, California.
![Wood engraving entitled “Woman suffrage in Wyoming Territory. Scene at the polls in Cheyenne.” From the cover of Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper, the week of November 24, 1888.]](images/Selected_Images/gallery-full-suffrage-at-polls.jpg)
Woman suffrage in Wyoming Territory. -- Scene at the polls in Cheyenne / from a photo. by Kirkland.
Library of Congress
![African American woman dressed in a cloak, bonnet and apron, holding a wicker basket standing outside the building known as the Slave Pen in Alexandria, Virginia. Taken sometime between 1861 and 1869.]](images/Selected_Images/gallery-full-slave-pen.jpg)
Alexandria, Virginia. Slave pen. Exterior view
Library of Congress
![Black and white photograph of Enola O’Connel wearing coveralls, a cap and welders goggles working atop a gasoline trailer for the U.S. Army Air Corps, 1943. She was the only woman welder in the Heil Company’s plant.]](images/Selected_Images/gallery-full-welder-enola-oconnell.jpg)
Milwaukee, Wisconsin. War production workers at the Heil Company making gasoline trailer tanks for the U.S. Army Air Corps.
![Black and white portrait of First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton, 1992.]](images/Selected_Images/gallery-full-hillary-clinton.jpg)
First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton, bust portrait, facing slightly right
![Engraving of First Lady Abigail Adams, after a portrait painted by Gilbert Stuart.]](images/Selected_Images/gallery-full-adams.jpg)
A. Adams / from an original painting by Gilbert Stuart.
![Black and white image of Farm Security Administration and Office of War Information photographer Esther Bubley outside a factory in Bayway, New Jersey, 1943.]](images/Selected_Images/gallery-full-esther-bubley.jpg)
Esther Bubley, Farm Security Administration/Office of War Information photographer, three-quarter length portrait, kneeling with camera, facing right, at Bayway, New Jersey
![Photographic portrait of ballet dancer Alexandra Danilova, as Fanny Cerrito in Pas de Quatre, 1948.]](images/Selected_Images/gallery-full-danilova.jpg)
Portrait of Alexandra Danilova, as Fanny Cerrito in Pas de Quatre
![Black and white image of photographer Frances Benjamin Johnston, seated and looking down at a large format camera she is holding.]](images/Selected_Images/frances-benjamin-johnston-full.jpg)
Frances Benjamin Johnston, three-quarter length portrait, holding and looking down at camera, facing slightly left (Library of Congress)
![Black and white photograph of Ella Fitzgerald performing in a New York City club, wearing a dark dress and small feathered cap. Musicians Dizzy Gillespie, Ray Brown, Milt Jackson, and Timmie Rosenkrantz appear in the background, 1947.]](images/Selected_Images/ella-group-full.jpg)