Exhibits and Collections
Past Highlights

Carrie Mae Weems: Looking Forward, Looking Back
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American Women: A guide to Women's History Resources at the Library of Congress
Visit site
Rosa Parks: In Her Own Words
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Carol M. Highsmith Collection (Library of Congress)
Composing Color: Paintings by Alma Thomas
Drawn to Purpose: American Women Illustrators and Cartoonists
Frances Benjamin Johnston Collection (Library of Congress)
Humor's Edge: Cartoons by Ann Telnaes (Library of Congress)
Julia Margaret Cameron – The Mountain Nymph, Sweet Liberty (National Gallery of Art)
Kay Ryan, U.S. Poet Laureate: Online Resources (Library of Congress)
The Margaret Armstrong Binding Collection
One Life: Maya Lin (Smithsonian Institution)
A Petal from the Rose: Illustrations by Elizabeth Shippen Green (Library of Congress)
Play Artle: Can you guess the artist?
Quilts and Quiltmaking in America, 1978-1996 (Library of Congress)
The Water Babies: Illustrations by Jessie Wilcox Smith (Library of Congress)
We Gather at the Edge: Contemporary Quilts by Black Women Artists
Blog posts related to Women's History in Business and Science: Inside Adams blog
Frances Perkins became the First Female Cabinet Member: This Month in Business History (Library of Congress)
Hetty Green the “Witch of Wall Street” was Born: This Month in Business History
Labor Activist Mother Jones Dies: This Month in Business History
Celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Title IX with Archival Footage of Sporting Legends (National Archives)
A Century of Ella Jenkins: Tributes to the First Lady of Children’s Music
The Elizabeth Robins Pennell Collection; Cookbooks and Cookery
Ella Jenkins: A Life of Song (Smithsonian Institution)
History through My Jewish Grandmother’s Eyes, Music through Her Memories
Iowa Women on the Farm, PDF 2.77MB (Smithsonian Institution)
It’s Time for Women in Go-Go to Grab the Mic and Get Their Flowers
Margaret Mead: Human Nature and the Power of Culture (Library of Congress)
Margaret Mead Papers and the South Pacific Ethnograpic Archives—Selected materials from this collection are now available online
Masters of Tradition: A Cultural Journey Across America (Smithsonian Institution)
Mixteco Women on the Migration Route, PDF 0.88MB (Smithsonian Institution)
National Park Service Uniforms: Breeches, Blouses and Skirts, 1918-1991 (National Park Service)
Native American Women Warriors: A Sisterhood Bonded through Service
RIGZIN Women (Smithsonian Folklife Magazine)
Rooted in Tradition, Reaching for Social Change: Verónica Castillo’s “Tree of Life” Sculptures
Ann Savoy’s Life of Art in Another Heart
Sidney Robertson Cowell, 1903-1995 (Library of Congress)
Tupperware! (partially funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities)
Women of a Certain Age—Virtual Exhibition (National Portrait Gallery, Google Arts & Culture)
Women Photojournalists (Library of Congress)
Women's Worlds in Qajar Iran (National Endowment of the Humanities & Roshan Cultural Heritage Institute)
The Women Who Carry Words: Music, Mothers, and Language of Akwesasne
100th Anniversary of Jeannette Rankin becoming First Congresswoman (National Archives)
Eleanor Roosevelt and the United Nations (National Archives & Google Cultural Institute)
Featured Document Display: The 50th Anniversary of Title IX (National Archives)
The Hannah Arendt Papers (Library of Congress)
The Patsy T. Mink Papers (Library of Congress)
Women in History: Lawyers and Judges (Library of Congress)
Women in History: Elected Representatives (Library of Congress)
Belmont-Paul Women's Equality National Monument
Clara Barton National Historic Site
Eleanor Roosevelt National Historic Site
First Ladies National Historic Site
Harriett Tubman National Historical Park
Harriett Tubman Underground Railroad National Historical Park
Maggie L. Walker National Historic Site
The Mary McLeod Bethune Council House National Historic Site
National Register of Historic Places celebrates Women's History Month
Rockhaven Sanitarium Historic District, Glendale, California
Rosie the Riveter/World War II Homefront National Historical Park
Travel Itinerary: Places Where Women Made History
Women Making History in Alaska Parks
Women's Rights National Historical Park
150 Years of the Surgeon General (National Archives)
A Collection of Women's History through Photos and Documents on Flickr (National Archives)
Amelia Earhart's Flight Suit – Smithsonian X 3D Explorer (Smithsonian Institution)
American Democracy: A Great Leap of Faith (Smithsonian Institution)
American Women and the Holocaust (US Holocaust Memorial Museum)
Because of Her Story (Smithsonian Institution)
Bernice Johnson Reagon: Civil Rights song leader (Smithsonian Institution)
Bev Grant: My Story (Smithsonian Institution)
The Clara Barton Papers (Library of Congress)
Become a virtual volunteer: Help the Library of Congress improve access to women's suffrage history! Transcribe the writings of movement leaders for our By the People project
Colored Conventions Project:
Dolley Madison -- from the PBS American Experience Film Series (sponsored by the National Endowment for the Humanities)
Eleanor Roosevelt: American Visionary (National Park Service)
Eleanor Roosevelt Papers Project (supported by the National Endowment of the Humanities)
Famous Women collection on Historypin (National Archives)
Gloria Ford Gilmer papers
Free to Use and Reuse: Images of African-American Women Changemakers (Library of Congress)
Girlhood (It's complicated) (Smithsonian Institution)
A Grain of Sand: Music for the Struggle by Asians in America (Smithsonian Institution)
Hellen Keller Archive (National Endowment for the Humanities & American Foundation for the Blind)
Images of First Ladies from the "Our Presidents" Pinterest board (National Archives)
In Our Own Voice: Songs of American Indian Women (Smithsonian Institution)
Jane Addams Papers Project (supported by the National Endowment of the Humanities)
Maggie L. Walker National Historic Site Museum Collection Museum Collection (National Park Service)
Mary Church Terrell Papers (Library of Congress)
Mobilizing A Nation For War (National Park Service)
National Inventor's Day: Marjorie S. Joyner (National Archives)
Portraits of Nineteenth Century African American Women Activists Newly Available Online (Library of Congress)
Research the History of Women's Rights & Suffrage at History Hub (National Archives)
Rosa Parks in Her Own Words Exhibition (Library of Congress)
Rosa Parks Papers (Library of Congress)
Telling All Americans' Stories: Women's History (National Park Service)
Testimonies of Survival: Diaries from a Slave Labor Camp (US Holocaust Memorial Museum)
Topics in Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers – Women's History (Library of Congress, National Endowment for the Humanities)
Willa Cather Papers Project (supported by the National Endowment of the Humanities)
Women's History Month (US National Holocaust Memorial Museum)
Women in the 1950's (National Archives)
Women's History (National Park Service)
Women Striving Forward, 1910s - 1940s - Photo Exhibition (Library of Congress on Flickr)
Works by Women Artists from the Gallery's Collection (National Gallery of Art Pinterest board)
Chamber Music: The Life and Legacy of Elizabeth Sprague Coolidge (Library of Congress)
Danny Kaye and Sylvia Fine Collection (Library of Congress)
Danny Kaye and Sylvia Fine Exhibition: Two Kids from Brooklyn (Library of Congress)
Dolly Parton and the Roots of Country Music (Library of Congress)
Elizabeth Cotten: Master of American folk music (Smithsonian Institution)
Heartbeat: The Voices of First Nations Women, PDF 9.24MB (Smithsonian Institution)
I Love Lucy: An American Legend (Library of Congress)
Jazz Singers (Library of Congress)
The Katherine Dunham Collection (Library of Congress)
Lucinda Williams: Blues Musician (Smithsonian Institution)
Martha Graham Collection (Library of Congress)
Music HerStory: Women and Music of Social Change (Smithsonian Institution)
Politics and the Dancing Body (Library of Congress)
Singing Truth to Power: Barbara Dane's One-Woman Riot (Smithsonian Folklife Magazine)
Women Breaking Musical Barriers (Smithsonian Institution)
Women They Talk About: Discovering America's Female Film Pioneers (National Endowment for the Humanities & the American Film Institute)
The Zora Neale Hurston Plays (Library of Congress)
African American Women in the Military and War (Library of Congress)
Hannah Szenes and the Jewish Parachutists from Palestine (U. S. Holocaust Memorial Museum)
Homefront Heroines: The WAVES of World War II documentary (National Endowment of the Humanities)
Rosie Pictures: Select Images Relating to American Women Workers During World War II (Library of Congress)
Susie King Taylor: An African American Nurse and Teacher in the Civil War (Library of Congress)
The US Food Administration, Women, and the Great War (National Archives & Google Cultural Institute)
Women Come to the Front: Journalists, Photographers, and Broadcasters During World War II (Library of Congress)
Women in the Military (National Archives)
Women of the Empire in War Time: In Honour of their Great Devotion and Self-Sacrifice (World Digital Library)
World War II Home Front (Stories from the Veterans History Project) (Library of Congress)
19th Amendment (National Park Service)
Anna E. Dickinson Papers (Library of Congress)
Blackwell family papers, 1759-1960
By Popular Demand: "Votes for Women" Suffrage Pictures, 1850-1920 (Library of Congress)
The Carrie Chapman Catt Papers (Library or Congress)
Creating Icons: How We Remember Woman Suffrage (Smithsonian Institution)
Cultural Landscapes: Women's Rights National Historical Park (National Park Service)
Elizabeth Cady Stanton Papers (Library of Congress)
From the Local to the Global: America's Newspapers Chronicle the Struggle for Women's Rights (National Endowment for the Humanities)
In Her Own Right: Women Asserting Their Civil Rights, 1820-1920 (supported by the National Endowment of the Humanities)
Library and papers of Susan B. Anthony (Library of Congress)
The Lasting Legacy of Suffragists at the Lorton Women's Workhouse (Smithsonian Institution)
National American Woman Suffrage Association Collection
The National Woman Suffrage Parade, 1913 (Smithsonian Institution)
One Half of the People: Advancing Equality for Women—Traveling Exhibit (National Archives)
The Constitution: The 19th Amendment (National Archives)
Records of Rights (National Archives)
Rightfully Hers: American Women and the Vote (National Archives)
Rightfully Hers: Online Exhibits: View documents and photographs featured in Rightfully Hers on Google Arts and Culture (National Archives)
Shall Not Be Denied: Women Fight for the Vote (Library of Congress)
Susan B. Anthony Papers (Library of Congress)
Utah Humanities Council Honors Utah's Women (National Endowment for the Humanities)
Votes for Women: A Portrait of Persistence -- exhibition opening 3/29/2019 (Smithsonian Institution)
Votes for Women, Selections from the National American Woman Suffrage Association Collection, 1848-1921 (Library of Congress)
Women of Protest: Photographs from the Records of the National Woman's Party, 1875-1938 (Library of Congress)
Women's Rights (National Archives)
Women’s suffrage (World Digital Library)
Women's Suffrage in Sheet Music (Library of Congress)
Belva Lockwood: Blazing the Trail for Women in Law
Black Domestics During the Depression
Civil War--Women soldiers
Pollo at Home
Explorers--Women of the Polar Archives-Marie Peary Stafford and Louise Boyd
Revolutionary War--Looking for the real Molly Pitcher
Spanish-American War
Wearing Lipstick to War: An American Woman in World War II England and France
Women's treatment by naturalization laws
World War I--Female Yeomen
World War II--Women's Land Army
Appalachian Folk Magic: Generations of “Granny Witchcraft” and Spiritual Work
Ballads and Bridges in the Muddy Waters of Bobbie Gentry's “Ode to Billie Joe”
A Centennial Glimpse into New Mexico's Suffrage Movement through “El corrido de la votación”
Coming of Age in Poetry: An Interview with Elexia Alleyne
Coptic Women Sing Too: The Power of Raising Coptic Orthodox Women’s Voices
The Downtown D.C. Musical Ministry of Flora Molton
Ella Jenkins, a Hidden Figure in the Fight for Civil Rights
A Get-Out-of-Trouble Pie for Trying Times: Making Cuban Pastel de Pollo at Home
How Laura Veirs Introduced a New Generation to the Magnificent Musical Life of Elizabeth Cotten
“I Dance to Share”: Sue Yeon Park Sustains Korean Ritual Performance in America
Kulning: The Swedish Herding Calls of the North
A Ladino Legacy: Flory Jagoda and Her Accordion
A Language of Rhythm Inspires Milwaukee's African Diaspora
Madame Kansuma at 102: On Confinement and Little Tokyo's Cultural Heritage
“Making a Living by the Sweat of Her Brow”: Hazel Dickens and a Life of Work
Mothers Marching for Equality: The Two-Year Fight for Integration in Hillsboro, Ohio
Painting the Pandemic: Coronavirus Patachitra Scrolls in West Bengal, India
Partners in Flight: The Women Falconers of the UAE
Pattern and Paradox: The Quilts of Amish Women
A Q&A with the Smithsonian's First Curator from the Lumbee Tribe
The Quarter-Century Reign of Mariachi Reyna (video)
Quilts of Our Mothers: Five Generations of Family Craft
The Rise of Female Batá Drummers: Gender, Sexuality, and Taboo in a Cuban Ritual Tradition
Roller Derby for Everybody: A History and Culture of Inclusivity
Sacred Monsters: The Poetry and Fiction of Elizabeth Acevedo
The Salem Witch Trials Memorial: Finding Humanity in Tragedy
Session Notes from Songs of Our Native Daughters
The Spirit Lives On in Art: Lily Hope's "Chilkat Protector"
Stories to Tell: Carolyn Mazloomi and the Women of Color Quilters Network in 2020
“Talking About the World”: Same Suki's Revolutionary Folk Music
“We’ve Always Been Here”: Women in the Video Game Community
To Show That All’s Equal: The Devoted Life and Lonesome Death of Hattie Carroll
“We Shelter in Songs”: Women Marimberas of Colombia and Ecuador
What We Keep: A Single Mother's Escape from Laos
Women and Water: Connections in Caribbean Music and Spirituality
Yiddish Wedding Hop: The Archives of Song Collector Ruth Rubin
American Women: A guide to Women's History Resources at the Library of Congress
American Women: Resources from the Geography and Map Collections
American Women: Resources from the Manuscript Collections
Civil War Nurses: Almira Fales
Civil War Nurses: Helen Louise Gilson
Harriet Tubman: Online Resources
Kay Ryan: Online Resources
Rachel Carson: A Resource Guide
Rosa Parks: A Resource Guide
Sojourner Truth: Online Resources
Sonia Sotomayor (Law Library of Congress)
Women in Business and the Workforce
Women in Science: A Resource Guide
Women's History Resources in the Prints & Photographs Division